
Showing posts from November, 2009

Yo Sketch!

some sketches...more later!


Just a tiny update to say Happy Thanksgiving a day late. I was so busy all over the place yesturday! But overall it was a great day, also I got to visit family that I haven't seen in a long while, and they were glad to see me, even though I suck with keeping in touch. Also, I have to work on the pieces for the Artist Revolution at Chu's bar and restaurant. So I've been pulling all those little hair I've got out thinking about what to show there. This should be fun.

Building an Empire!

That evil dude, in this pic just want to take over the world at all cost, (no he's not me) However, he feels that he's certainly obligated by the gods to do so. So It'll likely be up to some good peoples (like heroes) to makes sure that doesn't happen, Right? Yeah that's how the story usually goes down. I'm still wondering if any of this makes any sense.

Their Environments...

This was a room I had to design for the antagonist in my class. This surely was interesting to work on, because based off the characteristics of the character I desiged, and where he lives, which is an old town built intergrated into the side of an icy cliff. They have strange technology which allow them to be able to do stuff like that. This would be a room that the character would be in for only a short period of time. After all, a hero's got to be busy adventuring, right? This is the room for the for my female antagonist, it's a very themish room, in a way, since she's a pilot and loves machines, probably more than people. However, I wanted this room to be filled with a lot more mechanical stuff, better showing what's she into. And since she has more financial stability due to her family, she could have a better looking room. She leaves this life behind to journey the world in her new plane. I sure hope she can fly well.

Someday...A Webcomic!

The antagonist and protagonist characters I had to create for my character and object animation class, of all the classes I've so far taken, this one is going to be hella useful in my journey to creating a webcomic, and then from there maybe some kinda animated series. I've learned quite a few interesting things in this class, but I feel that I need a bit more work, the antagonist (top) looks a but weird to me. lol

Daily Sketch Group

WOW it's been forever!!(again) But Ive been alive mostly, I've joined the Daily Sketch group, around 2 days ago, and I decided to take part a bit. These are the first two daily sketches I've made for that small community and it's fun practice.